Creative Girls

Creative Girls
Hello, everyone. We are the Creative Girls from Year 4 Kreatif, SKAC

Thursday 17 April 2014

Inventions - Future Cars

Hello there, we are now busy drawing our future cars......

Here are our new inventions......our future cars.

          My group and I are going to tell you about our future car. Our future car is called 'Tiger'. Our future car can travel across the clouds, mud, water and outer space. It has six seats. The horn sounds like a tiger's roar. It is a very cool car. Thank You.

          Hello everyone, this is my group project. I want to tell you about our future car. My group's future car is W.I.N.D.Y. Our future car can fly. It has an air-conditioner. We like our future car very much. Thank you.

          Hello to my teacher and friends. We want to tell you about our future car. Our future car is called Res'q. It has air-conditioner, windscreen and brakes. It can travel fast and slow. And the top can be opened.  THANK YOU

          Hello, this is my group project. We are going to tell you about our future car. The name of our future car is VL- Grand. It has a special engine that can go really fast and slow and the door can open by itself. Thank You !!


  1. Assalamualikum 4 kreatif,
    Wow! What a superb idea of showcasing a class' multitude of talents and projects via the internet. A sincere thank you to your class teacher for thinking outside of the box. More school in malaysia should follow suit of this transparency. A big plus would be that the class would definately take pride in their future endeavours as it would be shown to the world! Hope this blog would bring out the " muhibbah spirit " between teachers and students alike! Keep up the good work Assunta! God job!

    A proud parent seeing a glimmer of hope in our sekolah kebangsaan.

    1. Dear Madam,
      My heartfelt thanks for your encouraging words. My pupils and I are greatly motivated by the support that you have shown. Hopefully more parents will join in to give moral support for our children's effort.

      Best regards,
      Miss Wai

  2. Ps: shared youre link via facebook. Heres hoping traffic would pick-up! Please update as youve made a fan out of me. ;D

    1. Thanks again. Yes, we will frequently update our blog.

  3. I hope the future cars that my friends drew will come true in the future. :)
