Creative Girls

Creative Girls
Hello, everyone. We are the Creative Girls from Year 4 Kreatif, SKAC

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Hello I am Nurul Izzah.Today I want to talk about My Father And  I.


     My name is Nurul Izzah.I am ten years old.My father's name is Noor Azam.He is forty-two years old.

     My father and I often do things together.On one occasion,we want to the pet shop together to buy fish for our aquariumat home.We filled the aquarium with goldfish,angelfish,tetras and danios.

     Once a week,my dad and I clean the aquarium together.My dad gives me a net.I scoop the fish out carefully with the net and put them in a pail of water.The fish are very active.They do not like to be caught in the net,so they dive under.I am patient.Icoax the fish.I tell them, "It's allright, guys.I just want to clean your home."When Iget them in the net,Isee them jumping and wriggling.I quickly put them into the pail of water.I want them to be comfortable.

     My dad and I spend some time looking at the fish in the aquarium every day.My father and I are very happy to do things together.