Creative Girls

Creative Girls
Hello, everyone. We are the Creative Girls from Year 4 Kreatif, SKAC

Monday 21 July 2014


                                            HOLIDAY IN CAMERON HIGHLANDS
During Labour Day public holiday I and my family visited the smallest district in the state of Pahang, yes I went to Cameron Highlands. It is the largest and mostly known for its highland paradise much likely of an English village especially the smokehouse , old buildings and the flower gardens around it, so beautiful. We used an alternative road from Kuala Lipis to Cameron Highlands it was quiet far from my hometown Kuantan, about 430 km. First I was so tired but upon reaching Kampung Raja I could feel the cool breeze and saw a lot of flower and vegetable farm along the way to Tanah Rata it really freshen me. My mum told me there are 4 main township and 2 small settlements in Cameron Highlands which are known as Tanah Rata, Brinchang, Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja.
Finally at about 1.00 pm we check in at Pines Resort , Tanah Rata it was a big and beautiful resort with a small fish pond around the corner of the resort and a park across the road.

After our lunch we went to Mardi Agricultural Technology Farm it’s a place where research is done on plants so it can bare more fruits , more resistance to insect, parasite  and healthier. Two wonderful things I saw here are the apple trees with fruits and grape wine. There were a lot of different farms in it vegetable farm, daisy farms, rose garden, fruit farm, orchid farm and cactus farm.  We left the farm about 5.30 pm.


As we were tired of the long journey the night we spend at the resort.  The next day, Saturday we planned to go to Brinchang , Big Strawberry Park  and Kea  Farm.  The weather was very cool and towards noon it started to rain heavily so we had our lunch in Brinchang which is famous with a lot of food court and restaurant. Then we spend some time at the Weekend Open Market my mum bought some fruits and vegetables there.  At  3.00 pm we left Brinchang to Kea Farm due to holidays the road was quite jam it took us more than  one hour to reach there. I saw a lot of stalls selling fresh vegetables ,fruits, souvenirs , products of locals, potted plants  and flowers. I bought some key chain's and other souvenirs for my friends before returning to our resort at 7.30 pm.

 My mum said we will check out at 12.00 noon on Sunday but before that we will visit Rose Valley in the morning and on the way back home we will stop at Bee Farm and Bharat Tea Plantation.  On Sunday morning we went to Rose Valley in Tringkap. The  were so many different type of roses and all of it was so beautiful  and colourful felled like I was in wonderland,  flowers and the fragrant of the roses , wow!  You have to feel it by yourself.

By the time we checked out form the resort at 12.30 pm it started to drizzle and it was raining heavily as we reach Bharat Tea Plantation, we waited for a while but no sign the rain going to stop than my uncle suggested we should make a move home, I was so frustrated but he cheer me up by saying that we will visit Cameron Highlands again in December. I just manage to take some picture of the tea plantation from the car. Although it was a short holiday but I was very happy.  Thank you


Sunday 13 July 2014

Sounds of Magic

I like magic, but I don't want to be a magician. I don't want to be like Cyril. Do you know who is Cyril? He is the most popular magician. Okay, back to our topic, Sounds of Magic. It doesn't has any connection with MAGIC but it is actually the last poem that we need to learn for dis year. Later, I will upload the videos during the presentation.

                       We are good in drawing!! Opps...not drawing but sketching!                    

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Hello I am Nurul Izzah.Today I want to talk about My Father And  I.


     My name is Nurul Izzah.I am ten years old.My father's name is Noor Azam.He is forty-two years old.

     My father and I often do things together.On one occasion,we want to the pet shop together to buy fish for our aquariumat home.We filled the aquarium with goldfish,angelfish,tetras and danios.

     Once a week,my dad and I clean the aquarium together.My dad gives me a net.I scoop the fish out carefully with the net and put them in a pail of water.The fish are very active.They do not like to be caught in the net,so they dive under.I am patient.Icoax the fish.I tell them, "It's allright, guys.I just want to clean your home."When Iget them in the net,Isee them jumping and wriggling.I quickly put them into the pail of water.I want them to be comfortable.

     My dad and I spend some time looking at the fish in the aquarium every day.My father and I are very happy to do things together.